Tuesday, June 10, 2008


well, it happened. last evening i soloed for the first time. it was a great feeling to be alone in the plane. i felt so much more in control of my little cessna. the days lesson started out with just some routine closed traffic pattern touch and go's and after i greased 3 landings my instructor took the controls and taxied back to the ramp. it wasn't much of a surprise as to what was happening when he pulled out my headset while talking to the controller. he turned the plane around, cut the engine, and said, "i want you to be really careful.. bla bla bla.... you're ready.... just do exactly what you did with me in the plane... bla bla bla..." i was just thinking come on already! get out of the plane and let me fly. it was a perfect evening to solo. the wind is down the runway at 6kts. it wasn't too hot and the sun was setting off in the distance. i was only upset that i couldn't have flown longer. i had 9.7 hours starting the day and ended with 10.6 after my solo. my instructor hopped out after doing 3 touch and go's so i'd say that i soloed at around 10 hours. that was a goal of mine going in. i wanted to solo before i reached the 10 hour mark and i did. the lessons are going by fast and my bank account gets smaller everyday. if all goes well i'll be a pilot by the end of next month.

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