Tuesday, June 17, 2008

fun with camera

well i finally got around to bringing my camera out to the airport. i was going up solo for an hour or so just to fly in the pattern so i decided it would be a good opportunity to snap some photos of my old bird. thats her below, 734NM (nasty mike). a 1977 c-172N.

here's a photo of 4NM on the ramp with 172RK (redneck killer). on the far right is a c-150 with a c-152 hidden behind RK and the 150.

this is my primitive cockpit. i snapped this photo just before i started my decent to land. i took this picture so i could look back on it and laugh at how simple it used to be. i hope to be flying in the right seat of an RJ or maybe something corporate in the next few years, and this old cockpit will definitely feel primitive to anything of that sort.

here is a nice pic of runway 9'er as i'm descending and about to turn base for 36. tallahasssee may not have much commercial air traffic, but it certainly has large runways. 9/27 is over 8000 ft. and 18/36 is about 6000 ft. i rarely get vectored around by ATC and can usually just fly a normal pattern. the only regular commercial traffic we get are some RJ's and gulfstream's b1900's. well hold on, i guess i can't count out the military. you can't see them in this picture, but there were 3 a-10's on the south ramp that day. we regularly get military aircraft in. while they're mostly helicopters and jet trainers we occasionally get some fighters. just the other day i got a call to extend my downwind because a coast guard c-130 decided to show up and do touch and go's for about an hour.

anyway, i was supposed to fly yesterday but the weather was upset with me i guess and started to get real wet and nasty as i rolled up to the airport. i tried to wait it out for about for 30-40 minutes but had no luck and went home to study. i'm studying the chapter on weather right now which seems a little ironic because it's weather that is keeping me from flying.

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