Friday, August 8, 2008

almost there

on wednesday i did my long solo x-country. i flew from TLH - CTY - GVN - TLH. it was long and uneventful if you count out george (auto pilot) being a little squirely due to turbulance on the first leg. i took out the nice 172 that had the auto pilot and gps making my trip that much easier and allowing me to enjoy the flight more. the only bad thing was that i had to stop in gainsville. as you know im a seminole and all that blue and orange around the airport was making me sick. i needed 3.2 hours of solo x-country time to meet mins and i ended up getting 3.4 after being vectored in to TLH and taxing to the other side of the field. all i need to do now is rack up 6.7 hours by wednesday. that way i meet the minimum time before my checkride.

i was supposed to go up today, but its pretty cloudy and i have to leave for work in about 3 hours. i might head over for an hour or so just to get airborne. what can i say... its fun. the written exam is now scheduled for monday, my checkride is wednesday, and my instructor leaves for law school the following morning. it was really nice of him to stick around for an extra two weeks to finish me and another student up. the poor guy is couching it with a friend while he waits for his to eager students to finish. he really is a good guy. too bad he's gonna be a gator in few weeks.

well i suppose that will be it for a while. im just gonna pound out the rest of the time this weekend and practice some maneuvers with jason. i'll post again when i'm a licensed private pilot. for now i'll leave you with a qoute from darren byrd....

"Blue up, Brown down...that's all you need to know."

1 comment:

Geekinthecockpit said...

That Darren guy is one smart guy. In addition to "Blue up Brown down" he always carrys an "Easy Button"....and is right now talking in third person.